Our rental service

Professional subletting of villas and apartments in Stockholm

Our tenants are only larger, listed companies with a high credit rating and selected embassies that are looking for a second home for their staff from 6 months up to 5 years. A complete rental service for those who want to rent to companies. We do not provide rental properties to private individuals or to those who are applying for temporary short-term contracts.

Sublet your home to companies

Estate Uthyrning AB has extensive experience in subletting and selling private homes. In Stockholm, we previously worked under the name Ersman & Gergils and for 16 years we provided hundreds of homes to company staff and embassies.

Several of our employees are registered real estate agents and are subject to the Real Estate Agents Act and are members of the Real Estate Association (FMF and MF).

Comprehensive range of services for subletting

In our role as landlord, we assist you with, among other things:


Marketing your villa or apartment to the best possible tenants through our well-established contact network via personal mailings to our partners, companies' HR departments, embassies' consulates and more.


Professional photography. With an experienced eye, we help you get the little extra that your villa or apartment has to offer.

Personal viewings

Personal viewings of your home, always with a registered real estate agent from Estate Uthyrning and with a representative from the company and/or the family who will live in the home.

Contract writing

Contract writing with lease agreement and waiver of security of tenure.

Access and inspection report

Access and preparation of inspection protocols of the condition of the property.

One contact link

Contact link throughout the rental period.